Saturday, March 8, 2008

Is There a Cure For All Diseases?

I believe there is a cure for all diseases.

I remember when my Mom came down with ovarian cancer. She was really out of it. She at times did not know who she was or where she was. My sister and I had no idea what was wrong with her at that time. Then, when she got so bad and could not help herself and was doing annoying things to the residents at a senior center, we had to have an ambulance take her to the nearest hospital. It was explained to us by her Doctor (Oncologist)that her Electrolytes were out of balance creating her confused state of mind.

Our family had a very difficult time and felt heartbroken when the Dr.told us that our Mom was either pregnant or had Ovarian Cancer. She said due to her age(74) and the fact that her medical record revealed that she had a hysterectomy, we could rule out the pregnancy. It was either a crude attempt at making light of something serious, or it was an ignorant analogy.

The Doctor wanted to do a biopsy. My mother's stomach was distended and appeared to have a growth that made her abdomen appear lopsided. This was from the tumor that was growing from her ovaries that were left from the hysterectomy. My mother had always told me that after her hysterectomy she never wanted to go into surgery matter what the outcome may be. She made me promise her that I would honor her wishes. I of course complied.

The doctor impressed me as a greedy person, looking for more ways to make money. She kept pressing the issue of having a biopsy, and I kept saying "NO". The only thing the biopsy was going to do is confirm the doctor's experienced diagnosis. I asked her if it was ovarian cancer would she remove it? She said no, that the operation at that stage could create an early death. So what is the point of your biopsy, I asked? You as the reader already have her answer.

The Oncologist basically told my sister and me to take our mother to Hospice as there was nothing else she could do for her. I said, you may not be able to anything but I feel that I can.

Around two weeks later I found a product that was sold through a MLM(Multi-Level Marketing)Company.This product was brought to my attention by a very good friend(he has since passed on). He had many testimonies on how this product worked with so many ailments including Ovarian cancer. I brought this to the attention of the Oncologist, along with a tape.

The tape had testimonies of other doctors who had suggested the product to their patients with fabulous results. I asked her if I could start giving the product to my mom. I needed her approval so the caretakers at the nursing home would have the authority to administer the product. She asked me "What For" I was caught off guard by that answer when I said, it's at least more than what you are going to do for her.

She was silent for a moment, and gave her approval. I asked her if she would listen to the testimonies of her peers. She said she would, but she never did.

My mother had fully recovered from the Ovarian cancer and was released from hospice. The doctor was baffled. She said it was a miracle, an absolute miracle.I said, yes, I feel God did grant my mother more time, and he prescribed the product that worked. Have you listened to the tape I gave you Doctor? She sheepishly said, No I have not.

I considered any more conversation was futile with this person.

I had done quite a bit of research on healing alternatives, due to the urgent need as expressed above. What I had learned is that there is a cure for all diseases and the reason you don't hear about them is because they are suppressed. They are suppressed and hidden from you by the Pharmaceutical industry, the Federal Trade Commission, The Food and Drug Administration as well as other groups.

Do you know why? The answer is very simple: it is all about money and power. When people get their priorities in the wrong order, money can become the route of all evil. Money in itself is good. It is man and his greediness that makes it bad.

Think of how many people are in jail because of the risk and harm that they did for money. Some even go to the extent of murdering people just for the money. I just have a hard time coping with the fact that one human being would take another's life just for the money.

When entities an other human beings suppress valuable information that may save other people's lives, they are just as guilty of murder as a person who pulls the trigger on a gun and runs away with the money. That may not be the human law, but I am sure it is a spiritual law.

Do your research my friends, you will see that there is a cure for all diseases, but your regulatory agencies will deny it to their death. Only you can decide what the truth is. I found the truth through research and discovery.

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