Why is it that most people object to same sex marriages? I feel that it is an unnatural way to harmonize two human beings. There can be no harmony, only a feeling of mutual understanding.
Since I believe in Jesus Christ and God the father, same sex marriages do not meet any biblical criteria. You heard the saying; "God created "Adam and Eve;Not Adam and Steve".
The fact that this should be a discussion whether or not to legalize gay marriages is a slap in the face to the traditional marriage of man and woman. People have a choice to live together and that should be their business. There are even people of the opposite sex that feel legitimizing a marriage with a seal on a piece of paper has no relevance to the future of the longevity of that marriage.
Than why I ask, do the gay rights people have such a need, for what man created as a legal instrument called "A marriage Certificate"?
Make the event spiritual,if that is the feeling in your heart. One should ask; if man denies it why would God accept it? God created us all, but did he not know that mankind would come to an end if it were not for man and woman? it is not logical, it is JUST PLAIN WRONG
I personally have no problems with gay people. They are no less a human being than I am.Fortunately, they are living in a country that supports individual rights. However, since this country was founded on Christian principles and not Gay principles,how can they even entertain the idea that God would approve of such a union?
Maybe that is not their true motive to look for God's approval.Than what is the true motive? Is it not enough that they are free to live together? Why is this country evolving so far away from the values we use to hold so dear? Is it because, we as a nation are drifting away from God?
When and if God turns his back on us, this will be a Nation of darkness. When and if this Nation agrees in totality that Gay marriage is permitted, it will be another stepping stone towards the spiritual death of a falling country...falling further from God's blessings.
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